

Pruning is a marathon, not a sprint!

Pruning the 8,000 vines at Tickerage is a labour of love. In late November/early December, after the first couple of frosts by which time the vines will have stored any remaining food back into the roots and the leaves have dropped, begins the task of pruning. Starting in the far corner of the far field Anthony works his way back towards the house.

Avoiding the worst of the weather (rain and snow are not conducive to good vine health during pruning) it takes around three months to complete the task.

We like to prune the vines ourselves, it helps us spot any potential areas where additional care will be needed in the coming growing season. Wrap up warm, don the battery pack and off he goes!


8,000 vines takes about 3 months to prune

For the first time this year I had some help - a local from the village with a wealth of pruning experience lightened the load

Always a joyous moment when the task is complete - this year we headed straight for the winery for a little refreshing celebration


Rondo and Regent

